Welcome to our FAQ page! We are so excited to be your go-to destination for all the canvas and wall art needs. Here you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions about our products and services. We understand that buying wall art can be a stressful experience and want to make sure you have all the information you need about our products before you make a purchase. If you do not find the answer to your question, please feel free to contact us directly. Thank you fro deciding to shop with us and we are here to ensure your wall art canvas buying experience is noting but the best.

Art Lovers Speak: Captivating Testimonials

Visual Testimonials: Art That Speaks Volumes

Experience the power of Visual Testimonials. See how our customers' wall art transforms their spaces and ignites inspiration. Browse through a growing gallery of picture reviews and envision the possibilities for your own home or office

Frequently asked questions

What materials are used in the production of your wall art?

We use a variety of natural materials such as archival paper, fine art canvas and wood composite to make our wall art. Each material has its own unique characteristics making it ideal for different types of art prints. All of our materials are the highest quality and are a selection of the best in the industry. All prints are lightfast and durable, designed to last a lifetime.

What kind of art do you offer?

We offer a wide range of wall art, from canvas artwork and framed prints, to enhanced posters and all-over flags. We have a selection of artworks available on our website. You will find abstract art, modern art, lifestyle prints and much more.

Do you offer custom framing?

Yes! We offer quality frames for all our products to make sure our customers get the exact look they're after. We use high-quality materials in all our frames to ensure they last a lifetime. There are a variety of materials and styles to choose from. Just get in touch for custom pricing.

What kind of shipping options do you offer?

We offer several different shipping options to meet the needs of our customers. We use a large network of carriers to ensure the best delivery times and the best prices. We offer standard shipping, expedited shipping, international shipping and free shipping on select orders.